Ada-Borup School

Location: Ada, Minnesota


The Ada-Borup School District was experiencing increased enrollment due to Minnesota’s statewide open enrollment options for students along with a few neighboring communities of Ada closing the doors on their schools. In response to the growth and seeing the need for additional security upgrades within the school facility, the district turned to the voters with a $9,000,000 facility bond referendum that passed to fund the expansion and security upgrade project.

Relocation of the school administration offices into the addition provided a more secure entry point to the school, directing visitors to physically check-in before entering. A new entry provides a new identity as the main entry for the school, which they lacked in the original school. The site has been reconfigured around the new entry to provide better drop-off and pick-up zones, dedicated delivery areas along with better traffic flow throughout the site.

A 4,400 square foot four-classroom elementary addition helps alleviate the overcrowding, along with giving the ability to renovate existing space to accommodate the expansion of the special education programs. A 19,000 SF multi-purpose gym expansion provides adequate space for physical education space, additional space for indoor recess, additional lunchroom space by freeing up the old gym, and gives the school additional practice room for all of the extracurricular activities.

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